08 Jun SILEO Pool of Technology Uptake Facilitators FINAL LIST!
The final list of the validated organizations and experts who have expressed their interest in supporting the lighting and furniture SMEs in implementing their Business Digital Transformation project is published online!
Big thanks to all the technology providers and digitalization experts for their participation and support in driving digital transformation with the lighting and furniture SMEs!
In the frame of the SILEO Eurocluster Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects, the SME applicant has to select an expert from the published list in order to implement consultancy services aimed at enhancing their twin transition and adoption of advanced technologies.
The SILEO Open Call will close on 20 June 2023 at 17:00 CEST!
Learn more about our funding opportunity in the SILEO Application Portal.
For any information contact SILEO Partners:
- European Lighting Cluster Alliance: marta.krakowiak@elcacluster.eu
- Cluster Lumière: m.hadidi@cluster-lumiere.com
- Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto: antonella.venza@luceinveneto.com
- CICAT Lighting Cluster: apadre@secartys.org
- Building Innovation Cluster: isabella.mantello@biz-up.at
- Transylvanian Furniture Cluster: andreea.toma@hygia.ro
- Cluster Legno, Arredo e Sistema Casa FVG: caterina.pezzicar@clusterarredo.com
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