Currently, it works actively with around 60 companies, through four fundamental pillars: Internationalization, Promotion of R&D, Training and Funding search. CICAT has 3 main purposes: 1. Encourage and help the internationalisation of the Industry; 2. Develop an industry based on technology and innovation; and 3. Promote networking and cooperation among Spanish companies, international companies and institutions. To this end, CICAT’s activities focus on strengthening the relationship and impressionability over stakeholders in the sector, promoting innovation to increase the value of their business markets, facilitating innovation processes in all areas of the company, as well as the incorporation of technology and knowledge leaders and supports internationalization, either for markets and supply, facing globalization issue. Moreover, it promotes sustainable strategies in order to improve energy efficiency and to minimise the environmental impact. CICAT offers numerous tools in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the industry as seminars, workshops, training, technological surveillance, editing specialized books, catalogues, or any other dissemination products. Related to international cooperation, CICAT works with universities, research centres, companies and public bodies providing technical advice and promoting networking among all the stakeholders involved on the development of the sector.


The members
63 Cluster Members
58 SMEs
1 Large Companies
4 Research Organisations, Universities, Technology Centers
1 Other Ecosystem Actors
Year of establishment
09 April 2007
Cluster Manager
(+34) 660 145 309