ELCA is Coordinator of the European project called EXTRA LIGHT – Bolstering European lighting SMEs participation in public procurement extra-EU “co-financed by the COSME programme.
The EXTRA LIGHT main objective is to strengthen the cross-border collaboration of clusters of the European lighting industry and jointly pave the way for SMEs in public procurement in the extra-EU third countries. EXTRA LIGHT, representing more than 500 lighting SMEs from Italy, France, Spain and Austria, will develop a specific and long-term market-driven joint internationalization strategy for public procurement in the United States, Canada and Japan.
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The SILEO project partners:
1. ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance, IT (Project Coordinator)
2. Cluster Lumière Association, FR
3. Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, IT
4. Clúster de iluminación de Cataluña– CICAT, ES
5. Building Innovation Cluster (BIC), AT
EXTRA LIGHT partnership aim to reinforce partner clusters’ role and support SMEs in easing administrative, technical, and regulatory hurdles that limit their access in public tendering via customised ProcureLight training, simulation workrooms, and one2one advisory services.
In particular, SMEs belonging to the Extra Light partnership, will have the opportunity to benefit from customized advisory services for a specific US and/or Canadian market tender with the support of specialized experts, Avv. Isabella Pulcinelli and Dott. Mario Giacomelli.
27.02-02.03.2023. 1° EXTRA LIGHT exploratory mission to Japan where the partner clusters had the opportunity to learn more about the public procurement and business market entrance opportunities for the EU lighting and furniture SMEs associated to Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, CICAT Lighting Cluster, Biz-Up Building Innovation Cluster, and Cluster Lumière.
27.02 – 02.03.2023. During the 2° EXTRA LIGHT exploratory mission to Canada, Cluster managers had the opportunity to get valuable insights on the public procurement in Canada and engage in productive discussions with the strategic Canadian public buyers.