EPIX – Eco-system Partnership for Interclusters and smart cities eXchanges (2022 – 2024)

ELCA is partner of the European project “EPIX – Eco-system Partnership for Interclusters and smart cities eXchanges” co-financed under the EU COSME Excellence Programme.

EPIX is based on following assumptions: cities, by becoming ‘smart’, have more possibilities to facilitate its transition into a digital, green, circular or resilient city; cities are increasingly collecting all kind of data; clusters can help cities to become smart.

EPIX is based on following assumptions: cities, by becoming ‘smart’, have more possibilities to facilitate its transition into a digital, green, circular or resilient city; cities are increasingly collecting all kind of data; clusters can help cities to become smart.

The main objective of the EPIX project is to empower and enable its project partners for identifying and exploit opportunities which will change the outlook of cities by making them smart and sustainable and provide added-value services and a new governance for the creation of data sharing communities formed by cities and businesses.

In particular, EPIX mission is:

  • to increase skills and competences of clusters managers on five projects technological trajectories (smart energy; smart mobility and transportation; smart data, smart IoT devices; smart infrastructures) and transversal themes (sustainable smart cities, data sharing communities, public finance and investments)
  • to promote cross-cluster value chain interconnections to seize new growth opportunities emerging from smart cities technologies and data sharing communities and enhance SMEs practical collaboration in joint projects for public procurements bids;
  • to develop comprehensive and focused clusters’ strategies, with related implementation roadmaps for effectively interconnecting clusters, its SMEs and cities in the long term.

Moreover, EPIX partners actively contribute to the successful implementation, promotion and further deployment of the ClusterXchange scheme, by facilitating transnational cooperation, peer learning, networking and innovation uptake between actors of different industrial clusters.


1. Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, IT (Project Coordinator)
2. ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance, IT
3. Instytut Doradztwa Sp. z o.o. – Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster, PL
5. DUTIREG Terület- és GazdMENTaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit – DIH KET, HU
6. Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH – MoWin.net cluster, DE

Know more about the project visiting the official website