
Lighting has evolved to become one of the most vital aspects of any design project and a highly-revered agent in the branding of any development. Without lighting, it wouldn’t be possible to present the fourth dimension of space in a visual manner which we are now accustomed to seeing and experiencing. Lighting SMEs are trying to capture different market segments through product diversification and technological advancements but the global lighting market is highly competitive and fragmented, dominated by a bunch of large multinational companies.

In this context, ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance together with 3 cluster members, Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, CICAT Lighting Cluster and Cluster Lumière, establish the ELCA4i European Lighting Cluster Alliance for Internationalisation to lead international cluster cooperation in fields of strategic interest for lighting SMEs towards non-EU markets and strengthening their positioning in the smart lighting sector.

ELCA4i leverages its cluster’s internationalization potential through a comprehensive joint internationalization strategy development process covering mutual knowledge and trust-building, target third-countries market intelligence gathering, knowledge and capacity building, C2C and B2B matchmaking and cross-fertilization.

ELCA4i clusters aim to create better conditions and mechanisms for their lighting companies to innovate, grow and compete at a global level. Supporting SMEs in taking a proactive approach to internationalization in extra-EU markets, making them more strategic in foreign countries deployment, more self-confident but judicious and more successful in the new markets entrance process.

Digitalization & Circular Economy

Supporting European lighting SMEs in the adoption of advanced technologies and the digitalization of their business operations through financial assistance, such as cascade funding, driving the circular and digital transitions and fostering innovation and sustainable practices.

In particular, within the SILEO project , the following GO DIGITAL Voucher scheme opportunities are actived to support lighting and furniture SMEs in adopting digital processes and advanced technologies:

  • Business Digital Transformation Vouchers: financial support (up to 5.000 EUR) to facilitate the collaboration with digital technology providers and access to specific expert consultancies to boost business green and digital transition.
  • Advanced Technology Uptake Vouchers: financial support (up to 10.500 EUR) to implementen, develop or integrate new advanced technologies into the business operations to support company resilience and digital and green transformation.


This analysis, customized to SILEO industry ecosystem needs and characteristics, is aimed to help companies and clusters to fill the knowledge gap about the specific impacts on their business, shortage of finance, and expertise to implement necessary countermeasures and investments. It provides timely, accurate, and clear information on the green and digital challenges, trends, and market shifts that are crucial to consider.


Development of the customized training programs for cluster managers and lighting SMEs to enhance their knowledge and skills necessary to ensure sustainable and profitable business growth (in the fields of circular economy, advanced technologies, public procurement, public financing and others).

Training programs and upskilling workshops for lighting companies and cluster managers:

  • Upskilling training program for clusters and SMEs focused on new sustainable materials and sustainability for the furniture and lighting sector, within the SILEO Eurocluster project
  • International Training regarding Smart City concepts, within the EPIX project
  • Training on public procurement in the USA, Canada and Japan markets, within the EXTRA LIGHT project

Talent Placement

Supporting the talent placement of professionals and young graduates to create mutually valuable relationships between SMEs and professional figures in a time when digitalization and circular approaches are the main factors for moving employees, and companies, ahead.

Within the SILEO project, the Consortium aims to establish a joint service for European lighting and furniture SMEs in order to enable them to include professionals, with a particular focus on young and women, in their workforce.

  • Talent Placement Project: Financial support (up to 4.000 EUR) to help SMEs attract talents and new graduated individuals to reinforce company digitalisation and circular economy transitions and to facilitate the job placement of new graduates in the world of work.

If you want to know more about our activities, need help for your project or are looking for partners, do not hesitate and write to us!

Marta Krakowiak, EU Project Manager – ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance