17 Apr SILEO project – INFO SESSION – SILEO 1° OPEN CALL for Business Digital Transformation Projects!
The first SILEO Eurocluster Open Call has been launched today at 10:00 CEST and it will stay open until 20 June 2023 at 17:00 CEST!
Discover more about the funding opportunities for lighting and furniture SMEs under the 1° Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects during our info session at Salone del Mobile (Room Sala Gamma 9) in Milan, Italy on 20 April 2023, at 10:30 – 11:30 CEST.
During the Event, SILEO partners ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance and Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto will present the eligibility criteria and the Applicant Guidelines of the 1° Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects.
The Event is organized in English and in presence.
Registration to the Event: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/sileo-1-call-for-business-digital-transformation-projects-info-session-tickets-619033394547
For more information about our 1° Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects: https://clustersubmissionplatform.eu/eurocluster_post/business-digital-transformation-projects-1st-open-call/
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