On October 4th 2022, Brilliant Consortium organised the Project Final Conference at the Light + Building Fair in Frankfurt, Germany.

The event included a restricted session attended by project partners and the invited ClusterXchange Ambassador – Mr. Marek Orłowski, President of the PZPO Polish Lighting Industry Association who took part in the CxC scheme both as Visitor and Host, as well as the open networking session and cocktail with companies (members of LIV, CL, CICAT, ELCA-PZPO and other), industrial organisations and architects present at the L+B fair and invited to the BRILLIANT conference.

BRILLIANT Final Conference was also a good moment to further promote the ClusterXchange scheme as the CxC Visitors of the group exchanges organised in these days were also present at the event, and provided a direct testimony to potential applicants. At the following link you can view the book of ClusterXchange success cases stories:

The event gathered more than 60 people among whom where representatives of the LIV, CL, CICAT and ELCA-PZPO SMEs, industrial and trade organisations like Italian Trade Agency (ICE), AIDI Italian Lighting Association, IES Illuminating Engineering Society (USA), Italian Lighting & Compolux magazine editorial staff, FEDAI DEC Spanish Federation of Associations of Industries of Exporters of Decorative Lighting Fixtures, FILD e.V. – Federation of International Lighting Designers (Germany), EdisonReport (USA), PZPO Polish Lighting Industry Association; and universities like Hellenic Open University – Lighting Department from Greece and Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (Lighting ecology department) from Germany.

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