ELCA is the Coordinator of the newly granted European Cluster Excellence project – BRILLIANT whose consortium has just signed the Grant Agreement with the EASME Agency – COSME Programme.
BRILLIANT endorses cross-cluster learning and networking to explore and take up new business deals coming from Smart Home and Building concepts.
Furthermore, partners take advantage of the ClusterXchange professional programme for SMEs to facilitate international, sector, and cross-sector cooperation between clusters, SME and scaling-up organisations. Design-thinking, experiential learning and business model tools are adopted in training and networking to help clusters outline better their vision, objectives and services from different perspectives. Above activities, like pieces of a puzzle combine with each other creating an important contribution to cluster management excellence.
1. ELCA – Project Coordinator – European Lighting Cluster Alliance
2. Cluster Lumière Association, France
3. Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, Italy
4. Cluster d’Illuminacio de Catalunya – CICAT, Spain
5. IQ Kecskemet – MIENK Cluster, Hungary
6. Klastr Ceskych Nabytkaru Druzstvo – KČN, Czechia
7. Cluster Legno, Arredo e Sistema Casa Fvg Srl Consortile, Italy